• A: A Charitable Agency or Fund Distribution Agency (FDA) is a non profit organization which collects and distributes funds to a number of individual charities, usually with a common theme.

  • A: You can designate your gift to any non profit 501(c)(3) of your choice. Just fill out the Designation Section of the Payroll Giving Form.

  • A: Yes. The fee will depend on the organization you select to forward your gift. Please inquire with the FDA of your choice to see what their fee is for passing along your contribution to your desired organization.

  • A: This information is printed on your paycheck stub and may be obtained from your City department.

  • A: Contributions to non-profit agencies are tax-deductible by individuals who itemize. Payroll deductions are with post-tax dollars, so employees should claim their payroll deduction on their tax returns. You might want to consider requesting an acknowledgment of your gift. Please consult your tax accountant for further advice.

  • A: Your payroll deduction will remain unchanged unless you fill out another Payroll Giving Form or contact the payroll department.

  • A: New payroll deduction sign-ups and any changes to existing payroll deductions will be processed approximately in June of the campaign year.

  • A: All checks should be made payable to “LAUSD-CCC”

  • A: The lead charity will send a general e-mail response acknowledging the donation. If the donation was made to a specific charity, an additional acknowledgment will come directly by said charity by the end of February after the campaign year.

  • A: $2.50 per pay period per agency