



Sophie Clark

(240) 333-0316

For more than three decades, EarthShare has engaged thousands of individuals and mobilized millions of dollars to support California’s environmental legacy—connecting people, businesses, and communities with our country’s most influential network of environmental nonprofits.


EarthShare’s Nonprofit Partners are committed to solving our planet’s most urgent issues like climate change, environmental justice, access to public lands, sustainable food systems, wildlife conservation, clean water, and so much more! 


Donations to EarthShare and our Partners help to ensure a just and sustainable future for our planet and all of us who call it home.

The environmental work EarthShare and our Nonprofit Partners do makes a difference for all California citizens. In particular, we have helped...

  • Educate 20,000+ students and teachers in California over the last five years on water and climate science, as well as pollution sources and prevention.

  • Enable 70,000+ volunteers to participate in more than 1,000 beach, park, and canyon cleanups in California.

EarthShare and our Nonprofit Partners have helped California achieve a healthier environment by...

  • Committing 17,000+ HOURS of dedicated boat and drone patrolling to prevent fossil fuel pollution in the San Francisco Bay.

  • Permanently protecting 395,000+ acres of privately owned rangeland

  • Planting 8.4+ million trees throughout the state

  • Mapping 60% of California's vegetation 

We know that local and national environmental issues are linked. That's why we fight in California and at the national level for cleaner land, water, air, biodiversity, and more—to make a difference on your behalf. Thank you for your support!